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Power Rangers - Wild Force 4 , Sin Wong

Artikelnummer: 8711983458253
Artikel 111 van 150
€ 4,00 (inclusief btw)


Als de kwade bedoelingen van gevaarlijke criminelen de aarde bedreigen, zijn er maar vijf helden die ze kunnen stoppen.
Met hun geweldige superkrachten en machtige Zords transformeren Cole, Taylor, Max, Danny en Alyssa in de Power Rangers Wild Force.
Alleen zij kunnen Turtle Cove City redden van de ondergang en de slechte Meester Org en zijn gemene handlangers verslaan.
Met behulp van hun Power Dieren en Kristalsabels staan ze altijd klaar voor beestachtig goede actie!

In Curse of the Wolf weet Nayzor de duivelse Org Zen-Aku na 3000 jaar te bevrijden uit zijn graf.
Zen-Aku valt de Rangers aan en weet het Olifant-Zord kristal te machtigen. De rangers laten het hier niet bij zitten en
in Battle of the Zords gaan ze op zoek naar het kristal. Dan blijkt Zen-Aku niet alleen het kristal in handen te hebben
maar ook drie Dark WIld Zords. In Predazord, Awaken gaan de Rangers het gevecht aan met Zen-Aku, maar kunnen zij hem wel
verslaan als hij in het bezit is van de machtige Predazord?

MENINGEN: In het Engels: curse of the wolf and Identity crisis Intent on defeating the Rangers once and for all, master org releases org General Nayzor, from his stone tomb. Nayzor in turn releases Zen-Aku, a wolf-like mechanial beast who has been imprisoned for 3.000 years, and Zen-Aku trps Elephurt zord! his own true identity unknown to him, Zen-Aku at times seems to be the Rangers' enemy, and at times, a friend. he also commands three wild zords of his own. After the Rangers defeat Vacuum cleaner org and later bus org, Zen-Aku combines his dark wild zords to from predazord, which defeats megazord, and Zen-Aku gains control of Giraffe zord! As taylor and princess shayla search for clues about Zen-Aku, the strange wolf creature suddemly shows up with motorcycle org. although the Rangers defeat the org, Zen-Aku gains control of the bear crystals, and things look bed for the Rangers. the only sign of hope comes when Zen-Aku remembers parts of his part and he bcomes friendlier. could it be that Zen-Aku ws once a friend to the Rangers zen-Aku,the strange wolf creature,is still confused about his Ientity.seeking revenge against the Rangers,he is puzzled by his apparently human tendencies when he rescues a wolf pup.Animus,lord of the wild zords,appers to help zen-Aku remember who he is, but Nayzor tricks him and he completely forgets who he is again. During a lunar eclipse, however, Zen-Aku suddenly transforms to his real human form-that of Merrick,a powerful warrior.merrick explains the Rangers that 3.000 years ago, he put on the nark to defeat master org, but was then cursed to become Zen-Aku. princess shayla orders the predazord destroyed, believing this will remove the curse. the Rangers vanquish the redazord, and merrick becomes himself again! Trying to set things straiht, merrick sets off to face master org, but he meets up with Nayzor and the Quadra org as well. can he defeat them if so, will this once very old friend become the Rangers'new friend and stay with them if you do your best Rangers fi I will help with you i will be nice and good with you at all times if you want to come hear at the 4 misso st mangate if you come to you i will be good I want to come to the 22 birthday in the surmmy if you do your best if you want to be your best friend you try to defeat aku and master org do your best Rangers from nick o'regan

0,094 Kg

Uit jaar:

Uitgever(Label): (Fox Kids)

Let op met kinderen tot 6 jaar, Angst, Geweld

Gesproken talen:


Dolby Digital 2.0


Totale speelduur
Circa 60 minuten

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